Phrasal Verbs

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black out
(intransitive) to lose consciousness momentarily

Max had a very severe headache and blacked out several times, so his doctor admitted him to the hospital.

blend in
(intransitive) to match or look the same as the surroundings

In Max's neighborhood, if you don't blend in, you'll get beat up.

blow off blow_off
(separable) to remove with powerful force

The bomb blew the roof off the house.

blow up blow_up
(separable) to inflate

Al's job was to sell the balloons. Jim's job was to blow them up.

blow up blow_up
(separable) to explode or to destroy something with an explosion

Mary was arrested for blowing up Max's car with a homemade bomb.

blow up blow_up
(intransitive) to suddenly become angry

The teacher blew up when she discovered that the students hadn't done their homework.

bone up on
(inseparable) to review, study, or practice a subject for a short period of time

I need to bone up on my math as I have a university entrance exam at the end of the month.

boss around
(separable) to tell someone what to do repeatedly

Mary likes to boss people around.

break down break_down
(intransitive) to lose control of one's emotions

Max broke down in tears when he heard that Mary had been arrested.

break down break_down
(intransitive) to stop functioning

John had to learn to become a good mechanic as his car was always breaking down.

break in
(intransitive) to forcibly enter a building

Max called the police when he thought he heard someone breaking in.

break in
(separable) to work or repeatedly use something so that it becomes comfortable or easily usable

Max's shoes hurt him as he had not yet broke them in.

break into break_into
(inseparable) to forcibly enter

Mary broke into the car to steal the stereo.

break out break_out
(intransitive) to suddenly develop or erupt

A riot broke out in Los Angeles today.

break up break_up
(separable) to cause to disperse or scatter

What time did the cops break the party up last night?

break up (with) break_up
(separable) to end a relationship

Have Tom and Mary broken up yet? I'm thinking about asking Mary out on a date. The Beatles broke up a long time ago. Some people say that Yoko broke the band up. I'm going to break up with Mary. she bores me.

bring about bring_about
(inseparable) to make happen

Max's new girlfriend brought about some positive changes in his behavior.

bring around
(separable) to persuade, to cause to some on to do something through persuasion

Mary's passionate speech brought Max around to donating to her organization.

bring around
(separable) to guide someone or convey something

I will bring the new intern around the office when she gets here.

bring down
(separable) to cause to fall

Michael Moore is hoping to bring the Bush administration down.



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