To control your emotions; to regain your composure.
Tell Max to get a grip. He is overreacting.
To obtain a basic level of understanding or control.
After reading chapter four, I am starting to get a handle on quantum physics.
To contribute to a conversation with people who are very talkative.
When you talk with Mary, she talks so much that you are lucky to get a word in edgewise.
To overdo; to do to excess.
Max got carried away with the balloons for the party. There must have been over a thousand.
To get started; hurry up.
Come on! Let's get cracking. We need to finish this project by next week.
To begin working; to stop wasting time.
Let's get down to business. We have a lot of work to do.
To get revenge.
Max was angry at Mary, so he got even by stealing her car.
To get married.
Mary and Max got hitched two years ago.
To contact somebody.
I haven't seen Max in years. I should get in touch with him.
To become accustomed to a new situation.
Max just started his new job. It will take him a few weeks to get into the swing of things.
To start a relationship or activity poorly.
Max and Mary got off on the wrong foot. They didn't like each other from the very beginning.
To stop bothering or nagging somebody.
Max's boss is always on his back. He never leaves him alone.
To stop acting arrogantly; to stop acting superior to others.
Max's boss is always on his high horse. He thinks he is better than everyone else.
To begin; to start.
The project never got off the ground. We never even started.
To annoy or irritate someone.
Max may be nice, but sometimes he gets on my nerves.
To criticize, find fault, or lecture.
The boss is always getting on Max's case for everything.
To become serious, organized.
If you want a pay raise, you need to get your act together and do a better job.
To gain new experience.
Max is just getting his feet wet. He is likely to make a few mistakes.
To begin become established in an occupation or company.
You were lucky to get your foot in the door at ABC Company.
To understand correctly; to clarify.
Let's get this straight. We'll meet in the alley behind the coffee shop after work.
To become accustomed to; to learn how to do or use something.
When I moved to England, it took me a few days to get the hang of driving on the left side of the road.
To understand the general or main idea.
Max didn't get the point. The point is that the important things in life have little to do with money.
To find the underlying cause of a situation.
Max will get to the bottom of the problem sooner or later.
To feel irritable; to be in a grouchy mood for no particular reason.
Watch out for Max. He probably got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
To try or attempt.
I'm not sure if I can do this, but I'll give it a go.
To ignore; to snub or reject someone
For some reason, Mary is giving me the cold shoulder today.
To spare no expense or effort; to put forth all possible effort or resources.
For the last two miles of the race, Max went all out.
To start over after a failed attempt.
Our plan didn’t work, so we need to go back to the drawing board.
To worsen or deteriorate.
The company was having a few minor problems, and suddenly, everything went downhill fast.
To put maximum effort toward achieving a goal.
There is a job opening at ABC Company. Max is going for it.
To take a risk; to put oneself in a vulnerable position.
Mary went out on a limb, lending Max all of her money. I hope he repays her.
To achieve progress or succeed.
With all of your talent, you are sure to go places.
To put in additional effort beyond what is expected.
She always goes the extra mile to make her customers happy.
An instinct or intuition.
I have a gut feeling that John and Jane are going to get married.