Advanced Vocabulary List 13

(noun) a state of inequality, a great difference

Every year economic disparities in the world grow larger and larger.

(verb) to make easier

The teachers put some of their course materials on the Internet to facilitate resource sharing.

(adjective) dishonest, deceptive

Richie Rich received his wealth through fraudulent means.

(adjective) laughable.

The politician&pos;s attempts to cover up his crimes were ludicrous.

(noun) a person who pursues and exploits any kind of opportunity without being guided by principles, plans or any ethical considerations

Most politicians are opportunists who will jump at any advantage without any ethical considerations.

(verb) avoid, ignore or neglect responsibility

Many politicians' sole purpose is to shirk their duties and make as much money as possible.

(noun) a desire to hurt, annoy, vengeance

Shortly after Max and Mary broke up, Mary scratched Max's car out of spite.